Sunday, July 7, 2013

Fish Lake

Fish Lake 6/4/2013 

Last summer Rich and I discovered a really nice float called Fish Lake, located on Highway 126 near where it connects to Highway 20. There are some old buildings back in there that look interesting, here's a link with some historical information on the area. One of the interesting things about this lake is that it totally drys up during the summer, so if you want to see it check it out in late spring or early June. This year we went in mid-June and it was starting to disappear...some areas you could not reach because the water was too low.

There is a nice parking area, some trails to wander, a few picnic tables and a view! There is no boat ramp, you have to haul your boat down a little hill by the viewing area to launch. Rich went in early June without me (I had to work) and the water was right up by the edge of the viewing area so it was an easy launch. In mid-June when we went together we had to scramble down the gravel hill and walk 30 feet or so to the lake. Not a  big problem. The lake goes back in about a mile. There's lots of interesting plants and critters to see. This trip the wild rhodies were in bloom and the baby geese were mostly grown up. We saw lots of geese, a couple different varieties of ducks and a momma deer with 2 fawns.

Fish Lake 6/4/2013
Fish Lake--no water!


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